11 Basic Website Components

1. Google Keyword Planner

Writing copy for your website is the most important part of your content. Knowledge of your field is your cornerstone. Begin with the Google Keyword Tool when blogging. This valuable database will inform you of trending topics.

Make sure to include specific terms that best relates to your business.

Develop a list of keywords that match your site and allow you to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the best tool to keep track of visits to your site. Where are they’re coming from and what they’re doing?

Create a Conversion Report to see what is producing the most activity.

3. Google XML Sitemaps

Creating a sitemap is key to getting found on search engine sites.  With the Google XML sitemap plugin for WordPress, generating a a sitemap to major search engines is easy..

4. Google Webmaster Tools

We’ll submit your sitemap to Google.

5. Having a Responsive Website

Over half of your website visits are from mobile devices and tablets.  If you website is not responsive for mobile devices, tablets and multiple screen sizes, you are losing 1/2 of your potential traffic. We got it.

6. Google Business Listing

Register your business on Google My Business (or whatever Google is calling is now). Registering your business with Google My Business & connecting it to your website..veriifes yourself as a brick-and-morter business. It helps with Yelp and beyond…

7. SEO WordPress Plugins

Creating custom page titles and keywords helps your website’s optimization.  Adding clean, descriptive titles and keywords can help you stand out not only on the web, but in social media. Tight!

7. Email Opt In – Build Relationships

In the age of social media, E-Mail (team hyphen!) is still the most effective method of reaching your customers (seriously…Still in 2019).

Capturing E-Mail addresses by “enticing” your visitors with an articles, videos or digital files… in exchange for personal information… is a cheap and effective way to build a customer list.  Keep you customers informed about your business and products… So Cool!

8. Social Networking – Follow your audience

Social Networks are marketplaces…pretty much. E-Mail, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit…Tinder (Mayne not)…cheap way to get your message to everyone and increase traffic to your site.

9. Navigation Bar/Footer Sitemap

Borrrrring…but not all website visitors are the same.

Some visitors need direction…some to the navigation bar…

Its important to have an organized nav bar…Period.

10. Social Buttons

Facebook, Twitter and other social networking buttons allow visitors to share your business info.

11. Contact Form

Easy way to contact you.

All these tools and many more are included in a Simplistica.net web site.  Contact me to get started with your website today!